Friday, May 25, 2012

Peri Appointment - 32 weeks

The Girls

Today was their first Biophysical Profile and they passed with flying colors.   The highest they could score was an 8 which is exactly what they both got.   Their fluid level was good, the flow in the cords was good and they were both practice breathing.

The Ultrasound tech did do a growth scan which actually shouldn't have been done, the peri said a week just isn't enough time to show a good picture of what is going on, she compared it to standing on a scale every day.   The growth scan showed Mandy at 4 lb and Emily at 2lb 13 still behind.   The Peri said she is just throwing out those weights since it shouldn't have been done but she also said she is willing to bet Emily will be below the 10% next Friday.    If that is the case she may consider giving me the steroid shots to speed up the maturity in the babies lungs in case we have them early.    I told her Cassie was only 3rd-5th percentile when she was born and she said I just may not make big babies. 

So good news on the girls!


I then asked about my "vascular" area that we have seen on ultrasound.   I asked if it was normal and she said yes.   The uterus becomes very vascular, the veins become very large with the huge increase in blood flow, its just you  normally don't see it because your not looking for it.   We were looking at it because of my placenta and she said when you do see it its quite impressive.   Ok...that was a relief.   I asked her if she had seen this before and she said yes...again relief.  

I guess after I left last Friday she had her partner look at the pictures to see what she thought.   They both feel its maternal but there is the question of it being fetal only because of the placenta previa I had.   She said if my placenta had started out at the top of my uterus and she saw these veins she would not think anything of it, she is looking at it because since I had placenta previa these veins COULD be part of the placenta that never moved up and out of the way with it.  Time will tell more clearly as we look at again.  

As time progresses if they prove to be maternal it doesn't matter how I deliver. 
If they are fetal I have to have a c-section.

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