Monday, September 14, 2009

T minus 1 month till I have a 1 year old!!

Its hard to beleive this amount of time has gone by...seems like only yesterday I was raking leaves outside and my water broke. I have enjoyed every day of her 11 months (including all the time spent in the NICU). I also am so happy with what she has accomplished in these months being how she started out when she was born!

One more month till my little girl is 1 year old! Invites are in the mail. (Haley - I didn't send one to you because I know you won't be able to make it with Ellas birthday on the same day. Couldn't these goofy girls spaced their birthdays at least a week apart? :o)


  1. She IS SO CUTE!!! Time sure does fly, doesn't it? Congrats on her first birthday!
