Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sippy cup

Boy, Cass turns 11 months old this Sunday - it seems like she JUST turned 10 months old!! for her palate is looming, its scheduled for next month but she has to be off a bottle. SO...yesterday I dropped a bottle, she usually gets 5 bottles a day,however now its 4. She has been a bit cranky about it because she has to wait a little longer for a bottle however I offer her the sippy cup and she gets darn right mad at that cup. I am hoping she starts to eat more solids and starts being more open to the cup, time will tell. I can't force the issue, she will do everything in her own time and when she is ready, surgery can always be moved....I just can't wait for this all to be behind us. However this is not bad...things could always be worse. We are so blessed to have her. We always wanted tons of kids but I am happy to just have her, if God blesses me with another baby I would be thrilled,however I am not dwelling on that..just enjoying every day with my daughter.

This is what happens when given a sippy cup with no valve so its free flowing....not very pretty :o)


  1. hahah oh no! She really doesn't like her sippy cup! Maybe taking her and letting her pick out her own? So they ahve to be off the bottle completely before surgery? Good to know. Did she have sleep apnea? Angela's has been getting worse and there has been talk of putting her on a ventelator but miraculously the last few days she has been fine. No episodes at all ... she started teething and we put her on infants tylenol and a higher o2 level and she's doing great. I'm waiting to talk to the doctors about what they think.

  2. We are going through the sippy cup transition now. My daughter is 11 months old as well and has her palate repair at the end of October. She also has Pierre Robin. I am determined not to postpone surgery so we are going cold turkey with the bottle. It's been 4 days. Praying hard that she adjusts to the cup. Try the Nuby sippy cups with handles.
