Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Play Time

Cassie and Bri
 Yesterday we had our friends Stacey, Adelyn and the newest addition Bri come over for a play date.    Cassie has held Bri and is really good with her.   Again....I told her Mommy and Daddy were going to try for a baby and would she like that?  She said "yes" and then "cat".  I've told her if it doesn't work out she can have a cat....the girl is happy with either option.  Ha!

The girls decided that just because they didn't have their swim suits on that wasn't going to stop them from going in the pool.  Adelyn went in first and it is "monkey see, monkey do" so in went Cassie.


Ice Cream Sandwich break and the Mommies also put the girls in swimsuits

Play date over - Good bye hug!!

Aftermath of a play do not do it justice.  How is it that every toy is found and thrown on the floor??

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