Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another use for tupperware.....

House is cleaned, dishes done, tub washed, cupboards wiped down, ran 2 1/2 miles, dinner in the crock pot, Cassie down for a nap....time for me to sit down!!  

Cass with her doggy stuffed animals

 Every day Cassie wears her sleeping beauty dress.   Last week she added a crown I made and also some nice warm mittens.   I love seeing what sort of ensembles she puts together....and boy were her little hands nice and sweaty in those mittens.  She was watching Jake and the Never land pirates....she told me she was a pirate princess.
Cassie is fascinated with bugs.  She always wants me to grab the daddy long legs that are around but those I refuse to touch!!  However the exoskeleton of a bug I don't mind.  I lost count of how many I helped Cassie pick up and put in a Tupperware container (which will be thrown away after this use)
 The above bowl of bug carcass' is currently sitting on my patio warming up in the heat because a certain proud little girl wants to show Daddy all her bugs.  She wanted to bring them inside.....uh. NO.She already accidentally dumped them outside so I had to help her put all of them back in the bowl again.   Nothing like scooping up great big handfuls for bug skins....let me tell ya.
Cass and her bowl of Cicada bugs


  1. Hahaha..oh my goodness that is TOO cute!! Cassie does look very proud with her bugs:) I love the irony of her being very girly and yet she adoring creepy-crawlies. Sounds like she's well-rounded;)

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