Saturday was the first day that we have gone out for the day KNOWING we are skipping Cassies nap. We normally work around her nap time...
Matt wanted to go to Cabelas to look at their hunting gear.....BORING! We told Cassie there would be animals there but we failed to tell her they were dead and stuffed. However, there were alot of fish in the aquarium and she screamed with delight when she saw a shark. (Not really a shark but she said it was)
While Matt looked at guns and knifes Cassie and I went upstairs. They had a talking moose up there which Cassie liked but she did keep her distance.
After we were done at Cabelas we stopped to visit the Plughoeft family (Matts side of the fam) Cassie got a chicken nugget happy meal and the rest of us stopped at Subway. We had a nice visit! By this time Cassie was way past her nap time and had only slept 15 min in the car. We headed home but did not go to sleep like I thought she would. Matts parents came over and we made egg rolls. My all time favorite!! By the time Cassie's bedtime rolled around she went right to bed and over all did pretty decent without a nap.
Sunday Cassie was horribly sassy. It is so unlike her and I think this is only the
2nd time she has been like this. Non-stop whining and sass. I would just walk by her and she would start whining "no mom, no" It was just pure sass (did I already say that?). I told Matt this was very unusual for her. Were we suffering the consequences of missing a nap the day before?? I don't know! She woke up from her nap in a much better mood which was good since my parents came over for some snacks and to hang out.
Once bath time rolled around the case of the sassy's returned. The only thing I can think of is she must have been tired because she went right to bed without any fuss.
Thank goodness my sweet little girl is back to normal today! She has been my big helper. We windexed all the windows and kitchen appliances, dusted, cleaned the bathrooms, did a load of laundry and went grocery shopping. She helped me with every single chore and even helped me put all the grocery's away. We also stopped at the bank to deposit the money that was in her Mickey Mouse bank. We put Micky on the counter and had it counted....she had almost $50 in her bank!! We left with an empty Mickey and a yummy sucker! Good day.