Thursday, October 27, 2011

Egg Retrival and Fertiliztion Report

Retrieval day.....

We woke up at 4:45am as we had to be out the door by 5:30.   Cassie decided she would get up at 5:15 also.   She was ready for Grandma to come over and play with her while we went to the doctor. 

We got there at 6:30 and they gave me a Valium, a gown, hat and booties and got an IV started.  I didn't care for the way the Valium made me feel...kinda like your drunk.  Things were pretty fuzzy.

At 7:30 they had me walk to the procedure room.  I layed down right away and they had me get my feet in some heavy duty stir-ups, put some oxygen on me and that's pretty much all I remember.   Next thing I know I am waking up horribly nauseous.  They had given me zofran in my IV but it didn't do the trick.  I also felt like I was burning up and asked for a cold wash cloth to wipe my face with.  And then...what I didn't want to happen...I puked....more than once.   Ack.    Instead of staying in recovery for the usually hour I was there for 2 1/2 hours.   I slept a lot...and puked.  Nice.   I could have stayed longer but decided I just needed to get home in bed.   It is a HORRIBLE feeling to be sick to your stomach, dizzy and have to be put in a wheel chair and pushed thru a hospital, down an elevator and put in a moving vehicle.  I kept my puke bag and slept the whole way home.  Walked in the door and said "I need to lay down".  I went to bed and Cassie brought me one of her stuffed animals to sleep with.  I slept for an hour, woke up, had some Culver's chicken and felt SO MUCH better.  I layed on the couch for the rest of the day and went to bed at 7:30.

And now on to the important stuff....

They retrieved 12 eggs
9 of the eggs were mature
8 of the eggs fertilized

Now it is just a waiting game to see how our embabies do.   The doctor will call me on Saturday to give me an update on them and Monday is Transfer Day!!


  1. Wow that is good news about the eggs!! I hope you feel better soon ;)

  2. That is so exciting! Praying for you guys.

  3. That is exciting! Praying for you!

  4. Wow, sounds like quite the day! I'm sorry you were so sick - that sounds just miserable:( Glad to hear you're feeling better now, and your retrieval results sound great! I'll be praying for you and your family and your embabies. Can't wait to see the next update!:)

  5. Good luck! I'm sorry you got so sick! That's awful! Sending you good thoughts this Saturday!
