We started our morning off like we usually do, Cassie wakes up and yells from her room "Good Morning!" "I'm up!" "Mom, wake up!" "Cartoons!" From 7-8 we watch an hour of Mikey Mouse Clubhouse. Cassie drinks her milk on the couch and I have my 2 cups of coffee while I read the bible.
Bright and early at 8:00 we finger painted. Cassie also wanted to make a dinosaur so I went on a mission to find out how to do dinosaur crafts via the Internet. We ended up making a baby dino that pops out of an egg.
We headed off to church for the 11:00 service. We usually go to the 9:15 but my parents want to become members of the church so they have to take a class called "Pizza with the Pastor" which started immediately after the 11:00 service, so we all went to the later service. We REALLY prefer the earlier service because it seems to work better into our schedule. Cassie barely ate anything for breakfast so of course when the sermon starts she is hungry and wants to eat. Matt took her out and I stayed to listen to the Pastor. 15 min went by and way off in the distance I heard a high pitch scream. You could barely hear it but I picked it up right away....that ear splitting scream could only be from my daughter. I heard this while in the sanctuary, with the doors closed and Matt out in the foyer with Cassie....that is how loud and high she can scream. I excused myself and went to find Daddy and Cass and to confirm yes....it was my daughter. Poor Daddy - he didn't know what to do and it can be a bit embarrassing. Those screams can draw the stares of people. I think they made "Drama Queen" shirts specifically for my daughter. Matt said she had been having fun, walking and dancing....then she tripped and she freaked out. She wasn't hurt , nothing was wrong she just overreacted like any 2 year old girl can do. However....I found out why she tripped and the reason for the over-reaction. As we were leaving church I looked down at Cassie's feet. Her pink boots were on the wrong feet. Daddy had taken her to the bathroom, taken off her boots for her to go and put them back on....the wrong feet. Oh Daddy.
I found our old emergency contact list. It has a few extra numbers on it! Glad those days are behind us!!
Bathed and ready for bed!!
i found your blog accidentally ... (hit the "next blog" button at the top) enjoyed your blog post - your daughter is beautiful - also noticed that one of your emergency numbers is for a doc for swallowing - did your little girl have issues before? our almost 3 y.o. daughter had a terrible time when she was younger swallowing (now, not so much) but she every once in a while still has other issues which we call "fainting" ... hope you have a wonderful weekend!