Cass trying to put her arm around Elena
And again...
Thats all it lasted because soon Cassie was becoming possessive of toys and not wanting to share with Elena. This not wanting to share thing has just started a week ago. She is also fasinated with their cat. Daddy - if your reading this...Cassie really loves cats (as does mommy) can we get one? I let her torture pet the cat for 5 min and then we let him go in the basement for cover.
Isn't she adorable?
Love her baby blues
Our new friend! Girls are going to outnumber boys in playdates soon!!
Right before we left Jessicas Cassie found a stuffed animal...Boots the Monkey. Boots is on Dora the Explorer (in case you don't know). She had a death grip on that monkey and was standing by the door. Yep - troubel. I knew it wouldn't go smoothly...remember the whole sharing issue? I told her we had to leave Boots there, she said "I want to hold it". I told her no, he wasn't ours and took Boots out of her hands. Que those blue eyes welled up with tears and the scream. We got out the door and she was fine. I told her we would see Boots next week when we visited again and she was fine with that.
After visiting our friends we went to my Grandparents house. They are neighbors of Jessica. (Thats how we met) My Mom and Dad were also there. We had a great visit and a lunch of hotdogs, cheese puffs, grapes and chocolate cookies.
After lunch Cassie performed many renditions of "Happy and you know it" for all of us.
And we did some photos. Here is Cass, me, Papa, Nana and the great-grandparents.
4 Generations
Cassie wanted to help Papa work in the bathroom (he is putting in a new shower for my grandparents), I let her help for 5 min and then we came home for a nap.
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