My girl is growing up so fast. I was sitting on the couch yesterday and I heard her wake up from her nap. Usually she will call for me but I heard her talking to herself. She said "I'll get down". I heard her get out of bed, open her bedroom door, run to the bathroom, she went pee and pulled up her pants all by herself and then came running into the living room saying "I'm up". That put a big smile on my face. Such a big girl.
Yesterday we did some fingerpainting. Whenever we do it she will tell me "not in mouth, only paper". When she was younger she tried licking it off her fingers and she still remembers me telling her this.
This masterpiece is now on our fridge
She has really been doing alot of independent play. She will spend 30 min playing by herself with her little people bus and farm. I love listening to her pretend.
We don't have much going on this weekend except for the big Packer Game on Sunday...Go Pack!
That is so cute that she got all up and went potty by herself!!!