Last night I went to the YMCA and worked out...yea me. This morning I went as well. Matt met me there with Cassie. He played raquette ball with a friend while his wife and daughter went to the pool with Cassie and me. Cass has gotten so brave in the water...just a huge difference from last week. She didn't want to hold my hand at all and walked all the way out so the water was to her neck. She kept looking at me saying "neck" to tell me where the water was. She wanted no help at all in the pool and threw a hissy fit a few times if I tried to take her hand or assist her. Drama, drama!!
When she was done we went to the family play room. I left ticked again at parents. Cassie was in the same tube that I talked about in my last post. A few seconds after she crawled in a boy, around 6, crawled in after her. When I saw it I thought...oh here comes the drama, because I figured Cass would freak out after what happened last time. Well this boy crawled/jumped right over her in the tube. He was running and playing in the thing out of control. So Cassie started crying/screaming, we had a meltdown. I assume the boy kicked or and pushed her in the process as there is not much room in that tube. I was so ticked. I know kids play crazy and all that. What ticks me off is the parents. They let the kids run rampant and act like the rules and manners don't apply to their kids. If I would have done something like that as a kid I would have been in big trouble with my parents but I also would have known better and would watch out for little kids. My parents taught us MANNERS!! So...I pulled her out while she screamed and cried. She was a snotty teary mess. When I got her out she had a snotty bubble coming out of her nose. Yuck.
Another rule in this area is kids are not to have shoes on. I suppose because kids step in who knows what and they don't want that tracked in and other kids touch it by crawling thru. Yet...a lot of kids are in the thing with shoes on and Mom and Dad say nothing. Today a boy had his shoes on and was standing on the edge of the slide. A little boy came down the slide and the boy standing on the edge jumped off onto his leg and hurt him. Mom didn't say something till after the fact because she was reading.
Well..after the tunnel fiasco things spiraled out of control. Cassie was done. And when this girl screames...she screames. I washed her hands with a sanitizer wipe and then she wanted it...but didn't get it and she screamed louder. I quickly got her shoes on and wiped her tear/snot filled face with my sweater as I had no kleenex and got her out of the room. Those poor peoples ears.
Now I am not saying that I am perfect. I know I will make mistakes. But when I am with Cassie I try to teach manners every chance I can, how to take turns, wait and be patient, share toys (tough one!) etc... When we are in that room I supervise her and I make sure she shares, doesn't take toys away from someone else...I make sure she behaves and plays nicely. Seems to me others use that room to let their kids do whatever they want while they read books. Vent over.