Cassie did amazing with Dr. Jensen. It has been over a year since she saw him. Last time was 2 weeks after her cleft palate surgery. He had to look in her mouth and she had no problem with that. She opened wide and said "Ahhhhh". He also felt her jaw bones. He said she has a small oral cavity, a blunt uvula and short palate but doesn't have any major concerns with anything. He said her profile looks great whereas she didn't have a profile before and her teeth are coming in fine. He said we can follow up with him in a year. They want to keep following up because things can always change with growth...but so far so good!!
I also got her eval from our last speech appointment. Its always amazing to me when I read her medical history. Past medical history includes early feeding difficulties which led to G-tube placement, otitis media, failed newborn hearing screen, micrognathia and respiatory distress as an infant with obstructive sleep apnea as an infant. The list goes on.....Tounge lip adhesion in 2008, released in 2009 along with ear tubes placed. Cleft palate repair in 2009. Cassie because a complete oral feeder, therefore the G-tube was removed, and a gastrocuaneous fistua was closed on Dec 2009. Wow!! She has come a long way!!
Her speech eval summary was her velopharyngeal closure is adequate for speech at this time. Just like her cranio doctor we continue to follow up because things have the potentional to change with growth but her prognosis is good!!
On another note, I found Cassie doing her own hair this morning....
She spotted me and told me "Mommy get down". She then proceeded to comb my hair and told me she was "getting snarlys out". I did not look fit to got out in public after she was done with me.
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