This is the time Cassie woke up this morning. She did sit in our bed, watch cartoons and drink her milk for 30 min. She was smack dab in the middle of Matt and I along with Mickey Mouse, Elmo, Doggy, Pooh and Monkey. She needs them all with her. She also thinks its funny to take her freezing cold cup of milk and press it on our arms and say "Brrrrrr!!!" Then giggle. Yes is cold and it does help wake Momma up.
Once she tired of cartoons I got my much needed mug of coffee and we sat at the computer where she watched some Barny and I caught up on Facebook. After that my body was waking up. We made waffles, went for a walk, went to the park and the library. She was eating lunch looked at me and said "All done....night night" Yes little girl - this is what happens when you get up way to are to tired to even finnish lunch and need to take an early nap. By the way she is still sleeping....going on almost 3 hours. Once she is up we are off to the beach with friends!
What an early morning!!!I hope you managed to enjoy the beach and didn't fall asleep in the sun!!