Cassie had surgery yesterday morning to fix her curly toe. Her third toe on her left foot was bent and curling under the other toes. It didn't bother her but it had the potential to cause problems down the road. They basically just make an incision behind her toe and cut the tendon.
Curly Toe - her middle one |
Matt and I were up bright and early at 5am. Cassie heard us getting ready and woke up at 5:19.
5:20 in the morning - she looks sleepy |
We have talked about surgery for weeks now so she knew her curly toe was being fixed. We got to the surgical clinic at 6:30 am. She did SO good. The nurse said she was the perfect patient.....I suppose after so many surgeries you tend to be a pro at it. She had her vitals taken, bands put on her wrist, hospital PJ's put on and took her sleepy medicine. We watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse until the nurse came to take her away. She couldn't walk because of the medicine she took and she was totally fine with the nurse picking her up and taking her away. Such a big girl.
Given her sleepy medicine |
Watching Mikey Mouse |
My big brave girl |
The surgery itself only took 30 min. When she was in recovery we were able to go back there with her. She didn't like her IV and wanted that out of her hand right away, the nurse did take it out because Cassie drank a whole cup of juice and ate a whole Popsicle right away so the IV wasn't needed. I was thankful she wasn't nauseous after the anesthesia.
Waking up...doesn't she look sad? |
Her "Cast" |
Put her PJ's on and drank her juice |
We had to elevate her foot |
She ate her whole Popsicle and loved it |
We got home and she rested on the couch and watched moves for a good couple of hours. She then got her burst of energy and you would never have known she had foot surgery, she was running and jumping around with her foot all bandaged up.
Huge Hello Balloon from Grandma |
We take the bandage off on Sunday and go back in 2 weeks for her post up appointment.
Aww, what a sweet, brave little girl!! So glad for you guys that her surgery went smoothly. Best wishes with her post-op..will be thinking of/praying for Cassie!