Thursday, September 29, 2011

They came today....

my meds for IVF #2.

I can't wait to jam some needles into my tummy.  I can't wait to go in for those lovely internal u/s.   My husband can't wait to jab me in the arse with that huge needle full of progesterone.  No seriously...I really think he may be looking forward to it.   Ok, in all honesty none of that bothers me.  Because our first round brought us our Cassie so maybe this round will bring us another baby to love.  

It brought back so many emotions going thru the box.   I remember how overwhelming it was the first time.   All of this stuff to possibly get pregnant, not a for sure thing, not guaranteed that you will have a baby bump.   This time I didn't have any of those emotions.  I'm excited.  And if it doesn't work the first time I am just hoping we have alot more embryos than our first cycle so we can have some more chances.  And if that doesn't work out either....then I'm ok with it.   I just feel like we need to try another cycle.  Its all in Gods hands and I'm at total peace with this.

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