Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Urgent Care Visit

We had a great day yesterday, went to story time and the park all day. 5:00 rolled around and Cassie was sitting in her highchair eating Lasagna. All of a sudden she started to get fussy and cry. I thought maybe she wanted something else to eat so told her I would get some bread and butter, she started shaking her head no and cried more. Then she tilted her head to the right and started screaming. I picked her up and tried to sooth her. She screamed so hard her face was beat red and I thought she may throw up her dinner. She kept putting her hand to her ear and I could tell she was in some extreme pain. I wanted to take her to the doctor then and there but was trying to see if I could get her to calm down because I didn't want her throwing up in the car and not being able to get to her to help. After about 15-20 min I got her to calm down, we sat in the rocking chair and read books. Then she cried and pointed to her crib to lay down. At that point Matt just got home (I had called him to let him know something may be wrong with her ear)I told him she had just went to sleep and I didn't want to wake her up to go to the doctor...if she woke up then we would go. 5 min later she woke up so off we went. She seemed better but kept pointing to her ear. We went to Urgent Care since it was after hours. In the lobby is when we noticed fluid leaking from her right ear. She does have tubes in her ears so thankfully the fluid leaking out was helping her pain. We were not thrilled with the Urgent Care doctor, he said he couldn't see a tube in her right ear but it is obviously still there because of the leaking! I then told him that I was just at the doctor 5 days ago and he saw it and commented it was hard to see. It was like I hadn't spoken. He perscribed Cassie some oral medication because he didn't see the tube, if he saw the tube he would have just given her drops. Its not fun giving meds to a 1 year old. Last night I mixed it with yogurt and she did take all of it. This morning she wasn't so cooperative but I think I got most of it down. We called her ENT today and the nurse said it sounds like her tube is still in and THEY would have just given her drops and not oral meds. Luckily we still have drops from when the tubes were put in and they said to start using those. Monday we go to see her ENT doctor and he will take a look and most likely take her off the oral meds since we are using the drops.

Anyhoo...after the ear started leaking Cass was in a much better mood. By the time we got back home it was after 8. She got a nice warm bath, some meds and down for bed at 8:30. (1 hour past normal) I was worn out from that so Matt went and got Chilis to Go. I ate and off to bed I went!! To much excitment for the day.


  1. Wow! I'm glad she's feeling better. Poor girl! And what a good husband to pick up the dinner for you guys! I hope the pain goes away soon!

  2. Wow! I am glad that she is feeling better!
