We bought Cassie some new chairs for outside. We have one on the patio and the other one is still in the house. We may have to end up leaving it inside because she loves picking it up and moving it to different parts of the house to sit. Yesterday she moved it to the front door to sit and watch the traffic go buy and get a tan.
I also am thinking seperation anxiety is setting in...didn't we just get over stranger anxiety?!! She wouldn't go to the church nursery and has even been crying if Matt takes her from me. She has been so clingy to me and grabs my hand to pull me wherever she wants to go...she doesn't want to leave my side.She wouldn't even let Daddy put her to bed last night. I know one day she will be like "Mom, drop me off at the corner so my friends don't see you" so I am reminding myself of this and enjoying every moment of her clingyness!!
Cute chairs! She's adorable sitting by the door in it!