Cassie turned 16 months old on Saturday! We went out to lunch and she was walking around, some lady asked me "Is she an early walker?" I laughed and said "No, she is one." The lady thought she was 9 months old!! Again...Cass is only
2nd percentile in weight so I can see that. We got her a princess chair for Valentines Day. She loves putting her stuffed animals in it, and if we ask her where her "princess chair" is she will bring us over to it. She is also big into giving us hugs now, its so sweet.
Saturday we went out with friends for sushi and the martini bar. Yum yum yum!! At the bar they had an elvis impersonater and were handing out roses to all the ladies. Elvis did come up and serenade me twice. It was a nice night out on the town. For Valentines Day Cassie and I did a project, I dipped her hands in finger paint and put her prints all over some pastel paper, added some heart stickers and tada!! It was Daddies Valentine from Cassie.
Today we ran to the grocery store and then made our regular stop at the library...Mondays can be long days and it helps to do things to break up our day.
Putting blush on daddy (it only took her one time to watch me do my makeup & she copied)
Cassie and her princess chair
Taking her doggys for a ride
She is so cute! What a sweet picture of her helping her daddy put on make up!