Friday, August 21, 2009

Playdate and New Word

Yesterday we had our play date with Maxim. You would never know that he is adopted, he has adjusted so well and knows who his Mommy is. He walked over and pulled Cassie's hair and in turn she took a toy and hit him on the head...I think its love. :o) We really hit it off and plan on having dinner with our hubby's in the future.

First experience with a balloon

Cassie is still refusing solid foods, she has been pulling on her ear and also has a bit of a rash on her face...from what I have read is all signs of teething. We were able to pry open her mouth last night to look and sure enough...another tooth is popping thru. She has been a cranky girl this week.

This is almost better then a ball!

Cassie has a new word....its "Rah" I do not know what it means but she becomes very animated and excited when saying it!

Kissing her balloon

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your blog and wanted to let you know things do become easier, My son Joseph was diagnoised in 1997. He is a now a wonderful teenager, he still has check ups and will have a couple more procedures, but an amazing kid and extremely intelligent. I'm here if you need someone to talk to. Hope you have and your family has a wonderful new year. Becky Perricone,
