Tuesday, February 18, 2014

37 weeks

Just a quick status.....
Went to my OB yesterday.  I measured 35 weeks where as last week I was measuring 33 weeks....so it's changing with the way baby boy is positioned.  Gained 2 lbs.  1/2 centimeter more dialated which puts me at 1 1/2 cm dialated.  Baby boy has dropped more.  Last week I was at a -2 station and yesterday was -1 station.  So slowly things are happening.  I am so excited to go into labor...I love the whole experience.  I'm hoping I won't make it to 40 weeks and have to be induced but that's ok also, I'm just excited to meet him.  In the mean time I am trying to remind myself not to wish these weeks away waiting for labor to start.  I want to treasure these baby movements and last days of sleep before I'm up feeding a newborn again.   I currently get 10 hours of sleep at night....the twins sleep 12 hours straight which is awesome.  This will make things so much easier when I'm up at night with baby boy.  I can't imagine if the twins were not good sleepers at this point....I think I would cry.

I'm sure I'll be posting a 38 week update as I don't see anything happening before then!

1 comment:

  1. Keep that baby in as long as possible! 37 weeks is still considered early term and their brains and lungs still need to develop. Even though most mom's get "tired of being pregnant", every day makes a difference.
