Tuesday, September 24, 2013

16 weeks pregnant with baby #4 and other stories

16 weeks pregnant!     Went to my OB yesterday and weighed in at 128.    Gained 4 pounds in 4 weeks so right on target.   Babies heart rate was 142 bpm.    I thought I had felt baby move before but now I'm not so sure because I haven't felt anything since.    Big ultrasound is in 2 weeks!   Will it be baby girl #4?  (poor hubby) or a baby boy?     We shall see!!   Can't wait to find out!  I love finding out because I think it helps bond right away and we get to pick out names and prepare the room....can't believe were doing this again!!

Yesterday was a nightmare with the twins.  Actually all weekend was.  They were crying, screaming and whining all 3 days.   I was loosing my cool, going nuts...you name it.   One fell off the couch, the other banged her head on the fireplace...you know, doing things you tell them not to do.   They dumped a box of rice on my kitchen floor and then I made the mistake of putting my soda on the table and turning my back.   Mandy grabbed my soda and was pouring it on the couch.   (BIG BREATH)   Mentally exhausting yesterday.   Thankfully they are much better today and back to their normal selves.   

We went to story time today and Emily gave me a near heart attack.    The main doors to story time were closed so the babies couldn't escape.   (There are 13 or so kids/babies there).  It was playtime and all of a sudden I didn't see Emily.   No where.    I looked behind the puppet stage where I see a door that is open and leads to a maze of other doors.   I didn't see her there, but the girl is fast.  There were also people going in and out of the main doors so then I was freaking out that someone let her out.    I hear Mandy crying because she is wondering where I went to I headed back to her and told the librarian I was missing a baby.   (nice right?)   Then someone pointed Emily out to me, she was behind my stroller in a corner of the room, I just couldn't see her because she was hidden.   Geez....at least I truly didn't loose my child and she was where she was supposed to be!!   Keeping track of two 14 month olds in a huge group of kids can be hard!  

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